Project Lead

Thus far, I've worked in 4 projects during my 4.5 years of 'Project Lead' journey for the company I'm currently employed at.

The Projects are as:

  1. ERP Application (3 years)
  2. F1Analytics (6 months)
  3. CogentEMR (7months), and
  4. eappointments (1.5 years)

With so many mountains and valleys walked upon; Today, I want to briefly self-reflect on what my experiences have taught me (in no particular order):

  1. It's not about you. Team First!
  2. Clarity over ambiguity
  3. Quality to Quantity
  4. Less Meetings, More Doing
  5. Delivery to Conformity
  6. Risk Taking to Playing-It-Safe
  7. Real Work to Illusion of Work
  8. Deadline is a fabricated guessing game at plain sight.
  9. Listen Intently.
  10. Stay Hungry, stay foolish, i.e, to say Update and upgrade your craft.
  11. Have 'Skin in the game' rather than bullshitting around delegating this, delegating that.
  12. It's okay to say 'I don't know'.
  13. Transparency to Dirty Politics.
  14. Read. Educate. Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.
  15. Help. Contribute.
  16. And last, and a very important one --Like Simon Sinek says it Leaders Eat Last!

  17. The list will be updated as I ponder over more...*